Gratitude Meditation
Blessings of Gratitude to YOU!
Pause to receive moments of stillness and gratitude.
Gratitude Meditation
Light a candle.
- Sit or REST comfortably with an elongated spine and the length of the limbs.
- Take a FEW BREATHS and exhale out the mouth.
- If you have a breath technique you are working with bring this in now.
- Breathe in and out of the nostrils.
- Bring your attention to your HEART and breathe 5 BREATHS.
- Imagine a WHITE ROSE in your HEART and breathe into the rose for 5 BREATHS.
INHALE breathe deep into your HEART and REST HERE.EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful for the gift of breath.
INHALE breathe into THE ROSE at the center of your HEART.
EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful for new prana, new energy."
INHALE breathe into THE ROSE.
EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful for vital health."
INHALE slowly breathe into your BELLY and REST HERE.
EXHALE and express aloud, "Thank you for the earth beneath me, light within me, and grace above and all around me."
INHALE breathe fluidly into your BELLY.
EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful to be here now, breathing deeply."
INHALE breathe into your BELLY.
EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful to be here now, breathing deeply."
Now, rest into your SPINE. Breathe deeply along your spine.
Rest your attention at your TAILBONE and BREATHE.
INHALE into your back body.
EXHALE and express aloud, "Gratitude for my beloved sacred circle of family and friends."
INHALE into your whole body.
EXHALE and express aloud, "I am grateful. I receive."
As you read these words, stay connected to your breath.
In this space, here and now, I breathe into all the gifts that bless my life, even the ones I perceive as challenging.
I hold no grudges or judgement in this space.
I fully receive tender guidance, nourishing me towards my highest potential.
I receive deep love, deep peace, and great grace.
Rest your hands at your heart and PAUSE to receive the feeling of GRATITUDE.
Say "I AM GRATEFUL" one more time.
Breathe into your heart.
When you are ready, take your time to move slowly and hold this feeling of deep gratitude with you as you share connection in the remaining moments of 2021.
Return to this meditation as you wish.
Namaste. Blessed be. Amen.
Extinguish candle.
Meditation by Erin Doty