HK Higher Knowing, LLC

Vagus Nerve & Nervous System Balance

Sale price Price $ 20.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Tone the vagus nerve, the longest nerve in the body. 

 The vagus nerve starts in the brain, travels through the major organs, and lands in the pelvic floor.

This two-part series explores the vagus nerve and assists with navigating the stress response while balancing the nervous system.

Part 1

Wander through your nervous system and understand your specific responses to stress.


Move stored emotions and stress from the body with five scientifically proven vagal tone techniques to regulate the nervous system. 

Reroute your mental, physical, and emotional response to stress for a more balanced presence.


Part 2

Continue wandering through the nervous system and exploring your specific responses to stress.


Learn seven additional energy balance techniques to shift stored emotions and stress from the body and mind. 

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